Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Hey Guys!
How is Thankgiving going?
The final is coming and I am sure all of your guys will do well!
See you guys on Thursday!

Monday, November 22, 2010

where to go from here

Hey guys,
with the voice final coming up and the semester quickly ending, i guess i'm just looking to what role singing will have in my future. it's so easy in college to find a way to practice, but since i'll be graduating at the end of the semester i'm worried that this is the end of my singing. of course i now have the foundations to sing well (or at least i know what the foundations should be lol), but no where to sing!! so perhaps i will now be a more technically sound shower singer.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hey all

Hey Guys!
I went the see Gianni Schicchi last night. It is awesome!!!
Travis is awesome!
I was really impressed by the performance.
Usually we sing our songs during the class and actually never get a chance to hear Travis sing.
It is a great musical drama!

Have a nice thanksgiving! :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Low Notes

Hey everyone,

So I've been practicing for the dress rehearsal Thursday (eek!), and I'm still really uncertain about my low notes. I know Travis said not to think about it and just to sing, and I've been trying to follow that advice, but so far, it's not working out that well. Does anyone have advice on singing notes that they think are out of their range?

See you all Thursday!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I wanted to learn to sing because I saw the passion great singers exuded when they performed. But as I've learned to sing I've learned that unrestricted passion is not always correlated with a good sound. What I've found to work is flowing from clear vowel sound to another clear vowel sound and holding that sound. The practice is definitily difficult and a lot different from what I believed singing to be but it establishes a nice vibrato and produces the most pleasing music.

Friday, November 12, 2010


So I've been trying to listen more carefully to when I sing.
I've been playing around. When I cover my left ear, it sounds different than when I cover my right ear. I can't seem to hear as well when my right ear is covered, and i used to notice that even before the reading and I thought I just had bad hearing in my left ear or was better with my right ear. But it seems to make sense, unless it doesn't and I really am deaf in that ear. I've also been trying to pay attention to the other pitches that come out of different pitches that the singers aim for.

Monday, October 18, 2010


I was at the Maroon 5, One Republic, and Bruno Mars concert in San Diego on Saturday, Oct 16th. First off, I love Bruno Mars... His voice amazes me, and before Saturday night, I had only ever heard the recordings from youtube etc. But when he got on and sang, it sounded just as great! I was so excited about this especially with all the stylistic and/or correctional auto-tuning. He has a slight rasp, which seems like it is because he invokes a rasp for stylistic purposes, but has maybe done that improperly or not with the more appropriate technique with the false vocal folds. Other than that he sings fluidly/smoothly as we have been learning with our exercises. It is really noticeable when he breaks from the fluidity of phrases, and it serves a more stylistic purpose.
and his dancing makes me happy.